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AANP Update

Posted 3 months ago

AANP updates:
1. National Conference in Nashville June 25-30, 2024
2. If attending, contact McMenamin at, to be invited to Region 8 social gathering on Wednesday June 26th ~ 6 pm; detail TBD. (Region 8 includes  CO, MT, ND, SD, UT and WY).
3. Annual State Awards for Excellence in Clinical Practice and Award for Colorado Advocate:
  • Current Award recipients will be honored in Nashville. Award winner for Clinical Excellence is Ashley Fry, DNP and Colorado  Advocate is Laura Rosenthal, DNP. 
  • Next nominations due early September.  Start thinking now about one of your marvelous colleagues. If you nominated someone last year and they were not selected, please re-nominate. You can nominate self or someone else. Nominators must be an AANP member.
4. State Liaison for CO. Next Two Year term begins July 1, 2025.  Nominations open October 2 and close October 31, 2024. Term will begin on the last day of the National Conference. 
  • Currently can serve two, two-year terms. 
  • State Liaison cannot concurrently serve on a board, chair a committee or council. or be employed by a nursing certification or membership organization (including those whose products, services or interests overlap with AANP. Implemented in 2023 with goal to reduce "duality of interest."